

GBP software that's affordable for businesses of all sizes


$ 20
/ Month
  • $ 20 / GBP Listing
  • 1 GBP Listing
  • ∞ GBP Posts
  • ∞ Accounts
  • 1600 Keyword Credits
  • 7500 GeoGrid Credits


$ 39
/ Month
  • $ 3.90 / GBP Listing
  • 10 GBP Listings
  • ∞ GBP Posts
  • ∞ Accounts
  • 3200 Keyword Credits
  • 8100 GeoGrid Credits


$ 69
/ Month
  • $ 3.45 / GBP Listing
  • 20 GBP Listings
  • ∞ GBP Posts
  • ∞ Accounts
  • 5600 Keyword Credits
  • 16200 GeoGrid Credits
  • White Label Reporting
  • GeoGrid Widget


$ 99
/ Month
  • $ 2.48 / GBP Listing
  • 40 GBP Listings
  • ∞ GBP Posts
  • ∞ Accounts
  • 17700 Keyword Credits
  • 24300 GeoGrid Credits
  • White Label Reporting
  • GeoGrid Widget


$ 149
/ Month
  • $ 2.13 / GBP Listing
  • 70 GBP Listings
  • ∞ GBP Posts
  • ∞ Accounts
  • 26600 Keyword Credits
  • 32400 GeoGrid Credits
  • White Label Reporting
  • GeoGrid Widget


$ 200
/ Yr
  • $ 16 / GBP Listing
  • 1 GBP Listing
  • ∞ GBP Posts
  • ∞ Accounts
  • 1600 Keyword Credits
  • 7500 GeoGrid Credits


$ 390
/ Yr
  • $ 3.25 / GBP Listing
  • 10 GBP Listings
  • ∞ GBP Posts
  • ∞ Accounts
  • 3200 Keyword Credits
  • 8100 GeoGrid Credits


$ 690
/ Yr
  • $ 2.88 / GBP Listing
  • 20 GBP Listings
  • ∞ GBP Posts
  • ∞ Accounts
  • 5600 Keyword Credits
  • 16200 GeoGrid Credits
  • White Label Reporting
  • GeoGrid Widget


$ 990
/ Yr
  • $ 2.06 / GBP Listing
  • 40 GBP Listings
  • ∞ GBP Posts
  • ∞ Accounts
  • 17700 Keyword Credits
  • 24300 GeoGrid Credits
  • White Label Reporting
  • GeoGrid Widget


$ 1490
/ Yr
  • $ 1.77 / GBP Listing
  • 70 GBP Listings
  • ∞ GBP Posts
  • ∞ Accounts
  • 26600 Keyword Credits
  • 32400 GeoGrid Credits
  • White Label Reporting
  • GeoGrid Widget

Have more than 70 locations?
Get in touch for custom pricing!

Price & Feature Comparison

How Does Rankclimber Stack Up?

Rankclimber DBA Platform Local Clarity Map Labs
Price Per Location
GBP Insights
GBP Posting Scheduling
GBP Location Management
Image Geo Tagging
1-Click Automated Geo Tagging
GBP Review Management
GeoGrid Rank Tracking Included?
SAB GeoGrid Rank Tracking

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I cancel at anytime?

Yes, you can upgrade or downgrade your subscription at any point in time from your Billing Settings page.

Can I Add Sub Users?

Yes, your organization can add as many users as it needs.

How does pricing work?

We use graduated tiers for pricing, with the price per location decreasing as the number of locations you manage grows.

Is Rankclimber Safe To Use?

Rankclimber uses the Google Business Profile API, and it is an authorized Google app. We use only authorized API calls and all functionality falls within Google Business Profile’s guidelines.

Do you have support?

Yes, we have live customer support available during US business hours to answer any questions you might have. 

Is there a moneyback guarantee?

Yes, we offer a 100% money-back guarantee if you aren’t satisfied with the work within the first 7 days of purchase.

Do you have custom plans?

Yes, please email us to get in touch about the options available for a custom plan.

Do you have a free trial?

Sorry, but we don’t offer a free trial at this time. We do offer a live demo of our software and a 100% money-back guarantee if we fail to deliver results.

GBP Management Features

With scheduled posts, recurring posts, automatic daisy-chaining, and spintax your GBP posting will be even more effective.

Visualize the ranking of your location and others on a geographical map with the GeoGrid Rank Tracking feature, which uses the Google Places API.

Compare your location insights by date range to see whether or not your visibility has improved over time.

In addition to GeoGrid Rank Tracking, we also offer traditional rank tracking for organic and local search positions, based on a credit system for you to track your progress.

Get instant notification when Google disables any of your locations, so you can fix the problem quickly.

Manage your locations' media with our built in library so you can quickly upload images and videos for your potential customers to see.

You can upload posts in bulk via a CSV file and schedule those posts with spintax and daisy-chaining.

Post to multiple locations in your own posting schedule with a single post so you can create posting schedules across groups of locations.

Join over 100,000 managed locations in Rankclimber